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10 New Year Resolutions for Affiliate Marketers in 2003

T.H. Quah 10 New Year Resolutions for Affiliate Marketers in 2003
© Copyright By T.H. Quah

With the start of any new year, it is usually the time to
clean house and make changes. It is the time when everyone
is busy setting new goals and making new resolutions for
themselves, their family or their business.

For the affiliate marketers, it will not be any different.
Infect, due to the fast changing and volatile nature of the
online environment, it is a necessity. The difference
could mean your success or failure.

So here are 10 New Year resolutions for Affiliate Marketers
which you can incorporate with your own.

1. Adopt New Marketing Strategies

Evaluate the effectiveness of your current marketing
strategies. Drop those that are non-performing and
incorporate new ones. If you are not making any money
with it for the past 12 months, chances are that you'll
never will.

2. Set New Sales Target

Set a sales target for each month of the year, taking into
account of the high and low sales season. Only by setting a
sales target and working to achieve it, will you know if
you are making any progress.

3. Get Motivated

Recharge your battery! Personal motivation is highly
important for your success as you're providing your own
drive or push. Read a motivation book, subscribe to a
success motivation ezine or attend a personal development
course. There are many good ones available online.

4. Read A New Marketing Book

Buy that marketing book which you had wanted last year,
but never got down to ordering. It's time to bring some
fresh perspective to your marketing effort.

5. Check and Update Your Websites

Time to check for any broken links, remove any out dated
information or just give your site a makeover. Indicate the
new year '2003' in your website especially the'Copyright'
notice. Your visitors will need to feel that they are
reading the latest information.

6. Start An Ezine or Opt-in List

I am sure you have read many times about the advantages of
having your own ezine. If you are still without an ezine,
start one immediately. Set a target for the number of
subscribers you wish to have by year-end. However, if you
already have an ezine, then set a goal to double your
subscriber's base.

7. Attend An Internet Networking Event

Make plans to attend at least one live Internet seminar,
Conference, workshop or boot camp in 2003. It will help you
gain new knowledge, ideas and motivation. Also good for
networking and making joint ventures.

8. Subscribe to New Ezines

Ezines are a great resource for news, ideas, tips, strategies
and even motivation (especially when one is working at home
alone). There are many niche areas you need to keep yourself
up-to-date like affiliate marketing, search engine optimization,
link popularity, traffic generation, list building, etc. This
new year add another 6 new titles to your reading list.

9. Start or Expand Your Mini-Sites Empire

As an affiliate marketer, you would have already built
one or more mini sites to promote the products you are
affiliated to. ( If you've not started, then this is your wake
up call! ). For the rest, it's time to set a new goal to build
another 10 new sites for this year.

10. Do Something Different

Try something different this year. Something that you have
never done before, but have been thinking a lot for a long
time. Write a report, an e-book, an e-course, articles, give a
seminar, a workshop, set up a joint-venture, etc. Who knows,
it could developed into something BIG!

That's it! Just remember to remind yourself regularly of your
Year 2003 Resolutions. Write them down on paper and place
it on your desktop or next to your computer keyboard. Some-
where you won't miss. Read it often. It pays to be focused!

Good luck and make 2003 YOUR Year!

About the Author

T.H. Quah is the Editor for
- a niche ezine on affiliate marketing. Get breaking news, real
life, how-to-do-it, nuts and bolts affiliate marketing know-how,
information you can use right now! He also offers a free 7-days
ecourse "Discover the 7 Tactical Formula that will turbo charge
your affiliate income to an all time high - 100% Guaranteed!"