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Free Agent Accountability

Paul Bednar The recent surge in corporate deceit and scandal should be a wake
up call for free agents. Here are a few items to which every free
agent should be accountable.

1. Be honest

This is as simple as doing what you say you're going to do.
Don't promise something you can't achieve or deliver.

2. Charge a fair fee

Everyone needs to earn a living but don't be greedy. You're in
this business for the long haul. Price gouging is very short
sighted and negatively impacts your reputation.

3. Provide excellent customer service

When you're a small operation, service can be a huge advantage.
Other organizations have a bureaucracy to work through to make
decisions. Be more responsive and flexible. Use this speed to
your advantage.

4. Have integrity

Don't be a "Yes" person. When you recognize an inappropriate
situation, project, or a conflict of interest, do not get
involved. A reputation takes a long time to build and a short
time to crumble.

5. Have ethics

Follow a code of moral principles and values created by an
organization or one that you developed. If you don't stand for
something, you don't stand for anything.

About the Author

Paul Bednar publishes a free newsletter
where each issue provides an informative article, answers a
common question, and shares a lesson learned. To subscribe,
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