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Freedom on Juneteenth - What have we forgotten...

Daviyd Peterson Every year for 140 years we have continued to celebrate that
fateful Juneteenth day in Galveston, Texas when the 2 year
old news arrived that the emancipation proclamation had been
signed freeing all slaves. Black slavery was abolished on
this Juneteenth day in Texas and an emancipation
proclamation summary was delivered throughout Texas either
officially or unofficially. But have we remembered to
celebrate everything?

This Juneteenth celebration a final blow to American slavery
has moved beyond the borders of Galveston, beyond the
borders of the great State of Texas, beyond the borders of
the U.S. to encircle several countries and faiths and
peoples. We need to ask ourselves - have we remembered to
celebrate everything?

Juneteenth in Galveston Texas is sometimes celebrated for a
day or a week and even a whole month. Being freed from
slavery can have that kind of memorable effect to where you
want generation after generation to almost feel the embrace
of emancipation. To remember Juneteenth not only as a time
to barbeque and drink - but as a historic marker of freedom
for a downtrodden people. Juneteenth celebrations and Texas
emancipation should be synonymous in our minds - to be
taught to our children as history so that it will never be
repeated. Remember to celebrate everything.

Texas emancipation law is that - an actual law on a physical
piece of paper, that needs to be read and remembered.
Emancipation in Texas was not taken lightly 140 years ago,
we must also remember and try to imagine what it was like to
hear the emancipation proclamation summary. Imagine what it
was like standing there with half your strength already gone
from working all morning (read 4 a.m. until), what it was
like to have whip marks on or backs that itched or ached
even if they had already healed from years ago.

Imagine standing there barefoot and barely clothed in rags
to hear - you are FREE. In your Juneteenth celebrations,
remember to celebrate everything - you are FREE.

African american slavery is a crime punishable by law.
Juneteenth day from now on has to empahasize, remember to
celebrate everything - you are FREE.

The plight of african american people has a solution -
FREEDOM. Remember to celebrate everything.

Daviyd Peterson ©2005 All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Daviyd Peterson: 10-year consultant, instructor, trainer
Helps african american homeschools bridge the digital divide by becoming computer based homeschools. Free article
on "Computer based Homeschooling" and other related articles
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