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Hunger Free Eating - How To Eat Less And Not Feel Hungry

William Bolton There are many diets, all of which boil down to taking in fewer calories especially of the foods, which tend to lay down fat in the body.
The reason most people become over weight is that they are eating foods that are high in calories and low in bulk and, that they eat too quickly.
An easy way to assist any diet is to slow down your eating until the body chemistry appreciates that sufficient food has been eaten and that the body’s needs have been fulfilled.
Many foods are very high in calories and very low in bulk. One of the worst examples is crisps and similar snack packets.
When looking for snack meals choose food, which requires a great deal of chewing. Ideals are fruits such as apples. The advantage of eating apples is that calories to volume are quite low and they require a certain amount of chewing.
To make apple more effective as a snack it should be chewed in small bite sizes and each bite should be chewed thirty times. Each chew will take around a second so that each bite will be chewed for about half a minute. An apple can be cut into 10 to 16 pieces so that it can last up to five to eight minutes.
By drinking a glass of water either before or after the apple will give a feeling of fullness with no added calories.
You can see many other aids to dieting in my book 50 Slimming Tips

Eating fewer calories is easy if you eat the right foods more slowly. Becoming overweight is not just eating the wrong food but eating too fast. There are many ways to eat better and this is an example. This is in article from the book

About the Author

By William Bolton